
Topical Winter Seminar for Ministers

I. On the Constitutional Orders (1556) Regulated in the English Church at Geneva.

    1. Ecclesiasticsl Orders of the Reformed (Presbyterian) Churchs in the 16th and 17th Centuries. (Speaker: Rev. Dr  Jin-Kuk Kim)

    2. On Relations of the constitutional orders regulated by the English Church at Geneva to those of Calvin¡¯s Geneva Church. (Speaker: Rev. Prof. Young-Kyu Kim)

   II. The Devout Lives of the Reformed Christians and Subjects of their Thinking, so nearby as We Can Learn from Calvin¡¯s Municipal Church and English Church at Geneva (Practices  and Free Talking).

1.     Father¡¯s or Mother¡¯s Platforms without Regard to the Economic Hype Cycle of the Christian Family.

2.     Times and Forms of the Daily Prayers.

3.     Reading of the Scriptures and Singing of Psalms in the Daily Life and Public Worship of God.

4.     On the Public Confessions, their Catechism and Ecclesiastical Discipline.

5.     Rumination of Christian Thinking I: Distinguishing the Concept of Absolute Zero in Itself from Concepts of Absolute Zero for Building Quantum Computer.

6.     Rumination of Christian Thinking II: On Time and Space

Spring Semester for Ministers

l  Latin grammar course X (Rev. Ji-Soo Jung, Ph.D. Candidate - All but Dissertation)

l  Petrus Molinaeus(1568-1658)'s theological standpoints showed in his Latin monograph "Anatome Arminianismi seu, Enucleatio Controversiarum  quae in Belgio agitantur, super doctrina De Providentia: De Praedestinatione, De morte Christi, De natura & Gratia (Lugduni-Batavorum M.DC. XIX)" and the theological controversies confirmed by "Acta synodi nationalis" X ( Rev. Prof. Young-Kyu Kim)        

l  The Latin original text of the Hungarian "Confessio ecclesiae debreciensis"(1562) and its historical location in the advancement of the reformed theology  IX  ( Rev. Prof. Young-Kyu Kim)

l  A special course (under requisition): The Reformed Theology before the 17th Century (Rev. Prof. Youn-Kgyu Kim)

Topical Summer Seminar for Ministers and Educational Program for Christian Families

I. Westminster  Confession of Faith and Theological Review of the Related Materials

1.    The Postscript on the Korean Translation of the Main Documents Bound up with the Westminster General Assembly  (speaker : Rev. Sung-Ho Jung)

2.    ¡®Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici¡¯ and other Viewpoints of the Westminster Divines (speaker:  Rev. Chang Dae Yen)

3.    The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Biblical Christology  Opened for the Future (speaker: Prof. Young-Kyu Kim)

II. Principles of God's Creation, Environmentally Friendly Application of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources and the Daily by Free Gift Wellbeing Life. (Educational Program for the Christian Family)

1.     Assembling of 12V Non-catalytic Water Fuel Cellulose Cells and its Applications (Special Program for the Personal Certificate of Non-catalytic Water Fuel Polymer (Paper) Cell Application).

2.     Application of Non-catalytic Water Fuel Cellulose Cell for Conversion of CO2 into Other Chemicals (Ethylene etc.)

3.     The Upcycle Experience for Wellbeing Crochets or Basket Weavings from Waste Resources.

4.     Construction Experience of the Geometric Air Tent Using the Differential Forms.

5.     Making the proton pumping instruments for health of me and my family (under Requisition)

6.     Application Activities of Edible Wild Plants or Flowers for the Daily Wellbeing Foods (under Requisition)

 Fall Semester for Ministers

l  Latin grammar course XI (Rev. Ji-Soo Jung, Ph.D. Candidate - All but Dissertation)

l  Petrus Molinaeus(1568-1658)'s theological standpoints showed in his Latin monograph "Anatome Arminianismi seu, Enucleatio Controversiarum  quae in Belgio agitantur, super doctrina De Providentia: De Praedestinatione, De morte Christi, De natura & Gratia (Lugduni-Batavorum M.DC. XIX)" and the theological controversies confirmed by "Acta synodi nationalis" XI ( Rev. Prof. Young-Kyu Kim)        

l  The Latin original text of the Hungarian "Confessio ecclesiae debreciensis"(1562) and its historical location in the advancement of the reformed theology  X  ( Rev. Prof. Young-Kyu Kim)

l  A special course (under requisition): The Reformed Theology before the 17th Century II (Rev. Prof. Youn-Kgyu Kim)



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