![BIBLIA GRAECA](images/graeca.jpg) BIBLIA GRAECA
![](images/heb.jpg) BIBLIA
the Holy Scripture we would not seek thoughts
of a writer, but the holy will of God. His will is not found by
the human efforts, but was revealed often entirely regardless of
the accepting attitude of its hearers or readers or too far ahead
of it. Such a will of God is written precisely in the Holy Scripture.
As a light in the darkness, its value has been enlightened also
in other degree than that showed in the reductionism of the liberal
arts. All truths involved in the written Word of God is referred
to the developed values of the after-created, high-advanced autonomous
system made of the divine skill. Even the free will of all
creatures within it is only a form of the divine grace which is
from the beginning ever poured by the mighty power of God. The imperative
relation between God and the created world means a metonymic illustration
of his continued process of history. It was, therefore,
necessary that God picked certain human languages for the everlasting
pictures of his revelation, as they must be well articulated and
developed to a good degree for the clear understanding of the future
humanity. They are justly Hebrew and Greek. Of course, Hebrew, as
the editor proved, came to pass in the circumstance of very
restricted, but in culture complex well-advanced period of the ancient
Egypt, since which time many daily languages appeared in all history
have been never more advanced. In contrast with Hebrew reformed
by the old Egyptian, Greek have been in buildup of abstracted terms
so much articulated as all ideas of human thoughts in history involved
within it. The proclaimed revelation of God now remains written
mostly by two high-advanced languages. All so written and collected
scriptures of divine inspiration has undergone the turbulent criticism
through all history, but remained nevertheless the Word of God.
'Scriptura Sacra' or 'Biblia Hebraica et Graeca' was attempted to
return to the contemporary features of the original texts, retroactively
in order to read the purest texts in all points. Although this 'Veteris
Testamenti Biblia Sacra' depends upon the Leningrad Codex in its
foundation, it was collated by old papyri of LXX, NT, and Qumran
materials. The vowel signs of letters and Masoretic notes are omitted
for readers to find some intrinsic features of the original texts.
The original pronunciations may be now recovered by their high-creative
studies on the old Semitic languages (Eblaitic, Old Akkadian, Ugaritic
languages etc.). For the 'Biblia Graeca' or
'Novum Testamentum e Graeco', a new edition was inevitably requested,
because many preceding editions did not reflect the recent results
of studies on early biblical papyri, and above all have a number
of errors on real features of the biblical papyri. Recently more
by the new dating of many biblical papyri, had all texts of the
New Testament to be updated and corrected. The revolutionary rediscovery
of the early biblical papyri assigned to before the middle of 2nd
century AD. made apparently either the alternative or some variance
of texts disappeared. Thus, the so-called apparatus of texts became
lost almost the explicit meaning for its insert into this edition.
The dating of early biblical papyri of the New Testament may be
properly assigned as follows:1)
P46(Corpus Paulinum):
late 1st century before the reign of the Emperor Domitian
(81¡96 AD) P5(Johannes-Evangelium): nearby end of 1st century
or beginning of 2nd century.
closing decades of 1st century or early 2nd
century P69(Lucas-Evangelium + Act. Apostolorum ?): a
certain time from the end
of 1st century until the middle of 2nd century P53(Matthaeus-Evangelium
+ Act. Apostolorum): early 2nd century P103(Matthaeus-Evangelium):
the reign of the Emperor Hadrian or a little after P77(Matthaeus-Evangelium):
early 2nd century or the middle of 2nd century P87(Corpus Paulinum):
early 2nd century P32(Corpus Paulinum): early 2nd century P45(Quatuor
Evangeliorum cum Act. Apostoloum ): the middle of 2nd
century or a little after the middle of 2nd century
2nd century P47(Johannes-Apocalypsis): late 2nd century2)
late 2nd century P52(Johannes-Evangelium): last quarter of 2nd century
Apostolorum + Lucas-Evangelium ?): a closing time of 2nd
all, P46 well
reflects the typical orthography of the early Roman period, especially
that of the reign period of the Emperors, Tiberius and Tiberius
Claudius. But in spite of such a sufficient evidence about the original
text, P46
does not mean the original text of the Apostle Paul, because there
is a calligraphical omission ( Gal. 1:11) which occurs as
a less than frequent custom3) in the rapid
copies. This editor suggests this omission already existed in the
'Vorlage' of our copy or occurred in the process copied acutely.
In general, as proved not often in the copies
of the reign period of the Roman Emperor Tiberius or Claudius, there
is a possibility of the orthographic changes, already when a publisher
exhibits letters publicly ( ) for many readers being unable
to hear reading aloud in a place. By a unpublished paper of this
editor was demonstrated that the orthography (itacism, iota adscriptum
etc.) has indicated no regional or periodic feature of characters,
but a personal feature in due form.4) The alternative
of the orthographic usage is often proved even in the same document
of a writing scribe or by corrections of the same scribe. Therefore,
the purest orthography of New Testament writers would be confirmed
merely by the discovery of their original texts. Nevertheless, P46 reflects such
a orthographic feature of the middle of 1st century AD, at least
uniquely approaching near to the original texts. This
edition follows the common orthographic features of the early 1st
century AD. Because iota adscriptum was well attested by P45, a general rule
about it was applied to our edition. But in P45, the iota adscriptum after
the verbal suffix of the 1st single person (for example, ), which is a
decisive proof of the reign of Augutus or Tiberius, is not attested.
Nevertheless, its keeping of the significant orthography ( ) similar to
the normal orthography ( )5) of the 1st
century AD points out that P45 bears the original features of texts. For
this edition especially, every word is marked by spaces in order
to establish the future systematic database. The division space
between words, of course, is found very rarely.6) But
the beginning with the complete syllables of a word and ending at
such a word in every line is observed frequently in many literary
papyri. As far as the alignment of texts concerned, the normal rule
of the early Roman period as shown in the Herculaneum papyri7) was on the
whole considered for this edition. The system of paragraphs and
coronis used in this edition is closely agreed with those used in
early literary papyri. The picture of colonis would be earlier than
that of the first century AD. Other critical signs usually used
by modern editors of papyri were held not available to this
edition, because they were not identified in reading of the general
literary papyri except the lectional signs (trema or diairesis,
apostrophe, diastole, accents - acute, grave, circumflex, breathing
- mostly the rough breathing, ancora mark for the omitted passage
etc.) seen in the scholarly reading or schoolboy exercises. The
stichometric notes were also omitted in this edition. The order
of letters of the Apostle Paul in this edition was changed
according to that in P46 and P13, by which the so-called blasphemous problem concerning
the anonymous author in the canonical scripture of divine inspiration
was at first overturned. This edition is fulfilled
by the efforts of the Rev. Sung-Ki Min, the Rev. Sung-Chan Lim,
the Rev. Ji-Soo Jung, N. - N, Mr. Hyun-Ju Bai, Lic. Nam-Kyu
Lee, Mr. Ho-Seok Eom. All texts, at first typewritten by Mr. Jin
Hahn in Goettingen, Germany, were transcribed into the new fonts
by them. According to the applied rule of the editor, many texts
and orthographic spellings were also corrected by their hands.
Our warm thanks go to the Nampo Church, Sung-Shim
Church, Hwa-Pyung Church, Tulip Presbyterian Church, the members
of Board of Trustee, and many life-members of our institute for
support and comfort.
03, 2001 Rev.
Young-Kyu Kim, Chief Editor Members of the Editorial
N. -
Prof. Dr. Byung-Soo Cho 1) In detail, cf. Young-Kyu Kim,
'Paleographical Dating P46 to the Late First Century', Biblica
69, 1988, 248-257; Idem., On the Early Papyri of the New Testament,
Seoul 1999 (written in Korean); Idem., Compendium Theologiae
Systematicae I, Seoul 2000, 129-132. The new dating of
the mentioned New Testament papyri was paleographically noted
also earlier in the editor's letter to Prof. Dr. Ph. W. Comfort(15
July, 1990).
2) P47 appears to be of considerably early date, especially
in the last stroke of the Eta, the second stroke of the
Upsilon and the first, strongly rounded stroke of the
Tau (see l.13, f.10r; l.3, f.7r). The Beta, giving an impression
of the late 2nd century, is still found in PSI VII 1285 (ca.
the reign of Domitian or Trajan), P. Bremer 5 (AD 117-119) and
P.Oxy. XLVI 3279 (AD 148/9). For the editor's dating, consider
B.M.Pap. 131 (the second hand, terminus post quem AD 78/9),
P.Oxy. II, 211 (until the reign of Trajan), P. Oxy. II, 270
(AD 94), P. Oxy. VI 853 (terminus ad quem AD 131/2), P. Berlin
11634 (terminus ad quem AD 168/9), P. Florence I 61 (AD 85),
P. Princeton 147 (AD 87/88), P.Oxy. Inv 30 4 B 35/L [1-2] a
(AD 87/8), P.Heid. IV 327 (AD 99 !!), P. Merton 13 (AD 98-102),
P.Mich. Inv. 3164 (AD 141), P.Gand Inv.(= SB III 6951, terminus
post quem AD 142-4), P.Berol 6849 (= P.Gr.Berol 24, AD 148),
BGU XIII, 2229 (AD 152/3), P. Gen II 106 (AD 153/4), P.Heid.
IV 319 (AD 162). P47 is apparently earlier than
P27, which the ed. prin. held to be in an hand 'of much the
same characters' as P20. But these show no exact resemblance.
The similar styles to be compared to P27 are widely observed:
P.Ryl. II 154 (AD 66), P. Mich. Inv. 4719 (AD 81-96),
P. Gr. Berol. 22a (AD 119), PSI V 446 (AD 133-136), P. Oxy.
III 473 (AD 138-160), P. Wisconsin II 81 (AD 143), BGU XIII,
2229 (AD 152/3), P.Tebt. Tait 46 (terminus post quem AD 159),
P. Mich. 532 (AD 181/2), P. Oxy. XLII 3076 (AD 225). P27
may be assigned rather to the second century than the early
3rd century.
3) For example, cf. , in the
published epistle of the Emperor Claudius (AD 41) (H. I. Bell,
Jews and Christians in Egypt, Westport 1972, 2¡3, l.64).
4) Cf. Young-Kyu Kim, On Orthography of the Early 1st Century
as it Occurs in the Documents of Tryphon Family (AD 20¡59),
1991 (written in Korean).
5) Cf. Henry A. Steen, 'Les Clich s pistolaires dans
les Lettres sur Papyrus Grecques', Classica et Mediaevalia
I, 1938, 142-143.
6) About examples of the 1st century. cf. E.G. Turner &
P.J. Parsons, Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World, Bulletin
Supplement 46, London 1987, introduction 7, note 28.
7) See plates in: G. Cavallo, Libri scritture scribi a Ercolano,
a Supplement of Cronache Ercolanesi, 13/1983. But there is highly
some doubt about his dating of a few papyri assigned to the
IIIrd century B.C.